Künstler Igor Bleischwitz / Berlin

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Künstler/ Igor Bleischwitz / Berlin


    Über die Arbeit/ Zur Person

    Born 1981 Shesqasghan (KAZ)

    Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

    2007 - 2011 Study of Fine Arts / Painting with Prof. Ben Hübsch, Prof. Klaus Merkel, Prof. Dietrich Schön
    University: Freiburg School of Art, Design and Popular Music (HKDM), Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

    Graduation Year: 2011, Diploma with honors

    2005 - 2007 Study of Drawing, SGD - program, Darmstadt, Diploma with honors



    I had my first experience in painting when I was a teenager. Before then, when I was a kid, I started with drawing and collage. Painting is my way of communication, I use it to share my impressions of what I experience. Intuition and an intense awareness of what is seen are the key components here, not only visually, but with all available senses. It is hard for me to define what exactly influences me - it is rather a sum of many separate elements that are around me and with whom I come into contact. The nature is very important though. When it comes to art, it is the cave paintings and antique frescoes, but also the poster remains that can be often found in the city. They have something from the fragmental, the lost. At the same time, these "remains" are part of something bigger and as fragments become all the more important because they are practically the only carriers of the original information. It is a kind of abstraction and selection with which you can show the essence without getting lost in the surface decorations. To me it is especially important that my work continues to evolve and that its strength and quality increase. With quality I mean, for example, that the paintings express sensitivity and vitality, a kind of feedback from the lived or the experienced.


    Künstlerischer Werdegang/ Lebenslauf:

    upcoming exhibitions:

    2018 24.2. bis 23 .3.BBK Südbaden, T 66, Freiburg im Breisgau, GER.

    past exhibitions:

    Group Show at the Kunstverein zu Frechen e.V. GER

    2016 INVEST IN ART
    Saatchi Art Catalog / Fall 2016, VOL.1 / VOL.2
    curated by Rebecca Wilson, Chief Curator and Director at Saatchi Art

    2016 PARS PRO TOTO Solo show at Subjectobject Gallery, Berlin, GER

    2016 JÄGER UND SAMMLER 2015, Gebrüder-Bleischwitz-Strasse, public art project, Berlin,GER

    2015 "NACHKLANG" Subjectobject Gallery, Berlin, GER

    2015 "POSITIONS BERLIN ART FAIR", with Subjectobject Gallery, Berlin, GER

    2015 "SINGLES", Subjectobject Gallery, Berlin, GER

    2015 HEILIGE PAUSEN, Kunstraum Foth, Freiburg im Breisgau, GER

    2014 "RÜCKBLICK", Subjectobject Gallery, Berlin, GER

    2014 "BURST SKULPTURE", curated by Jeannice Keller at ZIP, Basel, CH

    2014 "INSTINKTE und MYTHEN", Subjectobject Gallery, Berlin, GER

    2014 "EB-DITZSCH KUNSTPREIS", Kunsthalle Geraer Bank, Gera, (Cat.) GER

    2013 "LIEBE EINGESCHLOSSEN", Subjectobject Gallery, Berlin, GER

    2013 "LET US SNOW", Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin, GER

    2013 "SCHÜTZE", curated by Maya Minder at Die Werbefläche, Zürich, CH

    2012, "POSITIONEN DER MALEREI", curated by Jeannice Keller at ZIP, Basel, CH

    2012 "HELDENTATEN", ID-Studios, Berlin, GER

    2012 "MENSCH ?", Nuage Fou Theater, Freiburg, GER

    2011 "NATURAL SELECTION", Kunstraum Foth, Freiburg, GER

    2011 "DAS SOLL KUNST SEIN", Kunstverein Freiburg, GER

    2010 "KLASSE", Kunstforum Waldkirch, GER

    2008 "GUT", Kunstverein Kirchzarten, GER

Texte & Bild © Igor Bleischwitz

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