
"Extracts of Life - Pristowscheg at Nina Torres Fine Art, Miami "

Nina Torres Fine Art / Miami

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  • Copyrights Pristowscheg
  • Copyrights Pristowscheg

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Ausstellung in Miami : "Extracts of Life - Pristowscheg at Nina Torres Fine Art, Miami "

Zeitraum: 06.06.2013 bis 28.06.2013

Exhibition: June Contemporary
Duration of the Show: June, 6-28, 2013

June Contemporary is the recent event of a series that features painting, sculpture, installation, photography, performances, collage and video of international artists. Nina Torres Fine Art has established the first waterfront gallery in the heart of Downtown Miami, in what it promises to be Miami's true cultural destination: the Miami Arts & Entertainment District. The 8,000 square feet gallery space across the street of Margaret Pace Park is located at 1800 North Bayshore Drive, in a high-rise building adorned with fountains and with breathtaking views of Biscayne Bay, Miami Beach and the Port of Miami.

The artist and photographer Pristowscheg has got an invitation from Nina Torres Fine Art to join at the famous group show June Contemporary in Miami: "Through my personal use of digital tools, I attempt to transform photographs, some of them which appear to be insignificant to the common eye, intro abstract images with the goal of opening the spectator's imaginative space in his or her mind and free subjective feelings which are bounded my memory. Therefore my work turns these photographs into a more universally interesting vehicle of communication. I depict a magic world in which I become captured by the complexity of my color palette. Within this world of images and imagination, I open the door to all those colors which, in one way or another, have influenced my chromatic memory and creativity so as to convert these traits into structures."

Exhibition: June Contemporary
Duration of the Show: June, 6-28, 2013

June Contemporary is the recent event of a series that features painting, sculpture, installation, photography, performances, collage and video of international artists. Nina Torres Fine Art has established the first waterfront gallery in the heart of Downtown Miami, in what it promises to be Miami's true cultural destination: the Miami Arts & Entertainment District. The 8,000 square feet gallery space across the street of Margaret Pace Park is located at 1800 North Bayshore Drive, in a high-rise building adorned with fountains and with breathtaking views of Biscayne Bay, Miami Beach and the Port of Miami.

The artist and photographer Pristowscheg has got an invitation from Nina Torres Fine Art to join at the famous group show June Contemporary in Miami: "Through my personal use of digital tools, I attempt to transform photographs, some of them which appear to be insignificant to the common eye, intro abstract images with the goal of opening the spectator's imaginative space in his or her mind and free subjective feelings which are bounded my memory. Therefore my work turns these photographs into a more universally interesting vehicle of communication. I depict a magic world in which I become captured by the complexity of my color palette. Within this world of images and imagination, I open the door to all those colors which, in one way or another, have influenced my chromatic memory and creativity so as to convert these traits into structures."

Pristowscheg, born 1937 in Rome (Italy), graduated as electronic engineer from Padua University (Italy), lives and works since 1970 in Caracas (Venezuela). Pristowscheg‘s artworks reflect his formal education in the sciences and his fascination in complexity of life. In his case, the computer enables him to work with digital compositions. The final images on canvas or metal are based on photographs.

The completed compositions are somewhere between fact and fiction, reality and imagination, art and science. The ambiguity built into the artworks is an element that Pristowscheg consciously seeks to incorporate in them.

His abstract or semiabstract art is in many ways a reflection of life itself with all its ambiguities and surprises, what is causing the tension and the intellectual and emotional pleasure. Although Pristowscheg's artworks appear more abstract in their use of simplified forms, there are other elements of composition which are applied quite traditionally: interchanging lines, colors and patterns that switch from geometric to freestyle, dark to light, positive to negative, plain to patterned, advance and recede in rhythms across the color fields.

In his artworks "Spectru" and "L'Alabarda", selected from the curator and gallery director Nina Torres, the colors are used dynamically to enhance the form of the object. Pristowscheg is focused on fragmentation and overlapping to push the object further away from physical reality and to extract the fascinating details. The recent exhibition at Nina Torres Fine Art offers an opportunity in-depth reflection upon Pristowscheg‘s works - to be visited from June 6-28, 2013.

Nina Torres Fine Art Gallery
1800 N. Bayshore Dr. CP1
Miami Florida 33132
Phone: +01.305.395.3599
[email protected]

Director: Nina Torres
Executive Director and Chief Curator

Duration of the Show:
JUNE 6 to JUNE 28, 2013

Exhibition Hours:
Monday through Friday from 11am to 6 pm
Saturday from 12 - 5 pm

Artist Studio:
Email:[email protected]

Contact Author:
Art History Consulting
Management Director
Dr. phil. Barbara Aust-Wegemund
Krokusweg 6a
22869 Hamburg-Schenefeld
Phone +49.40.29898008
Mobile +49.179.4605679
[email protected]

About the Author:

Dr. Barbara Aust-Wegemund, born in Zuerich/ Switzerland, is a German Art Historian and Managing Director at Art History Consulting (AHC). She studied Art History at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (Germany), University for Foreigners Perugia (Italy) and London Guildhall University (UK). In 2002 she received her PHD from University of Kiel. As an expert on contemporary art and Art Basel Art Journalist, she has published many articles in the Editorial Department at Goethe Institutes Inc.

Texte & Bild © Dr. Barbara Aust-Wegemund.

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