Künstler citpelo / berlin
Künstler/ citpelo / berlin
Über die Arbeit/ Zur Person
Citpelo, born in 1982 in a squat in West Berlin
and grew upis a child of his time. Rebellion and
punk werethe motto of his early years,
fuck future! A serious illness robbed him of his
physical integrity and his great dream! Due to the
loss of his life's dream, came the listless life
condemned in the world to convert without having
something to find ....
enjoy celebrations, the world, a life of excess,
could only fill it for a while.
His conventional career he made it clear that I am
Citpelo freed from the shackles and devoted
himself to the true fulfillment of art.
He developed his own style of Mixed Martial Art
His sculptures are made of cardboard collected,
flyers and boxes and handicrafts
form the first level of his work process. With
light and shadow, they are
staged and subsequently banned in photographs. The
last part of his work is the processing of the
photographs with graphics programs.
The degree of change varies from plant to plant,
representing the diversity of his art style.
Check: www.citpelo.com myspace.com/citpelo
What everyone like is average. CITPELO is Mixed Martial Art Artis
Künstlerischer Werdegang/ Lebenslauf:
2016 BERLIN BASED PHOTOGRAPHERS in der Galerie Zeitzone Berlin Kreuzberg
2011 Gruppenausstellung in der Galerie Zeitzone Berlin Kreuzberg
2010 L&M about buy a design for european wide promotion
23-27.10.09 Berlin Art Tower Kunstmesse
25-25.10.08 Viennabinenle in Wien
21-24.08.08 Begehungen art festival in Chemnitz
2008 Andox Meets Blues Heroes Departure Hong Kong
Andy Lau / ???
jamal b
and more
( http://vimeo.com/5072704 event video
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5cf507500100b7wk.html )
2007 illustration for drop mobile art magazine
JPEOPLE Brand File 8 -
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