Künstler Nogueira de Barros / Almada

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    Nogueira de Barros
    Rua dos meus Amores, nº 11
    2820-348 Almada

    Internetadresse  www.nogueiradebarros.com


    Über die Arbeit/ Zur Person

    Nogueira de Barros conveys emotions in his painting, his painting is intuitive and sensitive, it is in the abstract
    that Nogueira de Barros finds the deepest and most sincere way to express himself,
    therefore, it is for him the most expressive, intrinsic and genuine art form.
    On each canvas it tells a story, it does not escape the rule and once again is based on
    in deconstructing your own chaos. It is in an intense relationship with aesthetics and the artist's most intimate side
    which sometimes attacks us and results from an explosion of colors and textures.

    © 2020 Nogueira de Barros. All rights reserved.


    Künstlerischer Werdegang/ Lebenslauf:

    Work instinctively most of all with acrylic inks, resin and textures and colors. The materials are deconstructed using methodically plastic materials - spreading, burning and dyeing. Time is invested in its realization: the works can take days, weeks or months to be created. The works evolve organically. They are constructed with layers of paint, resin, in three-dimensional abstract shapes that hang between object and image. Together they create a unique, visual and tactile landscape of form, depth and texture that challenges the spectator to reflect on us and the world.
    Nogueira de Barros is an award-winning, born in Almada/Portugal /1964
    He exhibits regularly, having participated in prestigious collective exhibitions and several individual exhibitions.
    In 2001, it begins in exhibitions outside the country, highlighting the city of New York and London
    Studied Art paint in Art School " Sociedade Nacional das Belas Artes ", Lisbon, Portugal
    Complementary Year of Atelier with the Painter Jaime Silva, Lisbon, Portugal
    Studied Art paint in, ArCo - Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual - Lisbon , Portugal
    Art History in, ArCo - Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual - Lisbon , Portugal
    Lives and works in Almada nearby Lisbon, Portugal
    Solo Shows :
    "Coimbra Colorida tem mais encanto", Almedina Gallery, Coimbra Museum , Coimbra, Portugal
    "Momentos de Cor", Orlando Ribeiro Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
    Group Shows :
    "Colectiva" -ORIQ gallery , Campo de Ourique, Lisbon, Portugal
    "Group Exhibition" - Lux gallery, Portimão, Portugal
    "Entre a Terra e o Céu", Museu de Arte Sacra de Macedo de Cavaleiros, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Portugal
    Solo Shows / selection:

    "Movimentos de Cor" , Zenite Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
    "Um português em Madrid", TRIBECA Gallery, Madrid ,Spain
    "Welcome Finland", Avagallery, Helsinki ,Finland
    "Desencontros", Dr. Cupertino de Miranda Foundation - Oporto, Portugal
    "Encontro de Amigos", Museu da Água, Mãe D'Água Museum- Lisbon, Portugal
    Arts fair:
    Swiss Art Expo, Artbox Project
    Miami Art Expo, Artbox Project
    Artexpo New York- New york -USA
    Artexpo New York- New york-USA
    MAC21- Marbella -Artemail -Spain
    ArtePadova2002 -Italy
    Honour mention, Salão Internacional D'Arts Plastiques - Barcelona, Spain
    Great Prize of Itália 2003 - Vada -Livorno- Italy
    Prize Alfonso Arana - Salão ACEA´S BARCELONA 2003, Associacion International de Plástica Latina, France
    1º award "alTreball de Textura" - 12º Internacional d'arts plásticas ACEA'S - Barcelona
    Great Prize Terra d'Etruria 2003" - Grosseto -Italy
    Great Prize Toscana -Óscar Della Cultura - 2004 -Italy
    Prize Cosme'Tura 2004 - Merit Diploma - Italy
    Museu D'água -Museum , Lisbon
    Câmara Municipal do Seixal, Portugal
    Museu do Montijo, Museum, Montijo, Portugal
    Câmara Municipal Arruda dos Vinhos Museum , Portugal
    Câmara Municipal Lagoa Almancil, Portugal
    Câmara Municipal Vendas Novas, Portugal
    INDEG-ISCTE Executive Education , Lisbon, Portugal

    Private Collections:
    Portugal, UK, USA, Spain, Switzerland, Spain, France, Finland, Jordan
    Publications and press:

    New Art International,Book Art Press - New York -U.S.A. 2002
    Imobiliária - architecture magazine, 2000
    Modern Art international dictionary, Italy
    Art Book ,IMARGEM 2002, Portugal
    Artist year book 2003 - Barcelona - Spain
    Annual International Art 2003 - Lisbon, Portugal
    -Magazine Casa &Jardim - 2004
    Famous -Masters of Today -world of Art -2007 - Stockholm -Sweden
    - Contempory Portuguese painters - 100 painters -OroFaber/chancel Real -2009, Portugal
    Artist Talk Magazine, 10th Issue, Oct 2019, U.K.
    Website: https://www.nogueiradebarros.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artist_nebarros
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ne.barros.9


Texte & Bild © Nogueira de Barros

Weitere Künstler